We are in the final weeks of planning for this year’s September Splendor, and would like to take a minute to thank our wonderful and diverse group of sponsors whose support of this event is so appreciated.
Local businesses showing their appreciation for Washington Park and the Albany community:
Bennett Contracting
Modern Press
Old Albany Real Estate
Park Albany
Purveyors of fine food and drink, making sure our guests have a memorable evening:
BMT Hospitality
Capital Wine and Spirits
Nine Pin Cider
Plant and flower wizards creating an extra-special “botanical” theme:
Behn’s Best Perennials
Chuck Kuhtic of Morgan State House
Neighbors helping us spread the word:
Center Square Association
Washington Park Neighborhood Association
Partners supporting the Conservancy’s efforts on behalf of Washington Park all year round:
City of Albany
Open Space Institute
Read more about September Splendor HERE and buy tickets online at Eventbrite HERE