We’ve had a lot to process over the last month since the public meeting held in Washington Park Playground on September 18!
We now have updated drawings from our consultants, TWMLA & Earthplay, that reflect the feedback we heard that day. Please review the file (button at right) that includes the boards from that day’s meeting, as well as some additional survey feedback and a slide with the feedback we received. The last image is another draft based on the feedback; in this draft, the play area is consolidated into a smaller footprint, but the entire space is still considered for programming as we continue (e.g., nature path, gathering space, etc., but no active play equipment).
We are hoping to take a version of the September 18 meeting “on the road” and are actively seeking ideas for places, organizations and groups (formal and informal) that will help us reach as many families as we can. We are especially interested in finding ways to engage more teens & adults in Arbor Hill, West Hill, Sheridan Hollow, and the South End (among other Albany neighborhoods). We will also host a virtual public meeting in the future.
Please share this update widely, and ask individuals to send their feedback to playground committee co-chair Sarah Read ; we will continue to gather public input for this project from as many voices as we can.