Judy Stacey, Albany City Gardener for 18 years, has volunteered to bring her expertise to the local community throughout the winter in a monthly series of inter-active seminars that will benefit both new and experienced gardeners. Judy is an Albany County Master Gardener and owner of her own business for the past eight years.
“Gardening in the Hoods: Problems and Promises” is a FREE 6-part series designed by Judy to help everyone faced with the unique challenges and opportunities of inner-city gardening. Judy wants to hear from YOU. What do you want to learn? She’ll bring in experts to discuss those things at subsequent meetings. The format is informal, with questions and answers at the core. As Judy says, “Every garden is different.”
Everyone is welcome and registration isn’t required; just show up!
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm
November 13
December 11
January 8
February 12
March 11
April 8
ORGANIZER: Center Square Association
PROGRAM LOCATION: Westminster Presbyterian Church education building, 85 Chestnut St.
DATES: second Wednesday of each month, November through April
TIME: 7:00-8:30 pm
QUESTIONS: [email protected]