Last week, after thoughtful discussion at our August board meeting, and with helpful input from many of our constituents, the Washington Park Conservancy submitted our detailed response to the Washington Park/Center Square Complete Streets Study to the Mayor, Traffic and Engineering, and project consultants as our contribution to the public comment period.
We have also shared our letter with the Conservancy’s advisory committee, the Park-adjacent neighborhood associations, Walkable Albany, and elected officials Gabriella Romero (Albany Common Council 6th Ward) and Matt Peter (Albany County Legislature, District 5).
The Conservancy appreciates all the work that has gone into this project so far. Public parks are essential infrastructure in a healthy and thriving community, and advocacy for Washington Park is the central pillar of our mission. We are heartened to see this administration’s continued investments in both the parks across our city, and prioritizing safe and walkable communities. We look forward to the next phase of this important project.
Please read the full text of our letter HERE. As always, we welcome your feedback and opinions.