Biking: good for you, good for the environment
In the Capital Region, there is no better time to hop on a bike than May, National Bike Month.* Capital Region cyclists benefit from bike lanes, great paths, and a network of trails – many of which showcase the beauty of our area. In historic Washington Park you can find the seasonal bike share program, CDPHP Cycle! With a membership and an app, you can reserve a bike for an hour or a day, and cruise to your heart’s content. The bikes can go on CDTA buses, and can be returned at any hub. The program even offers customized, discounted memberships for area businesses, universities, and organizations. Ask your employer about opting in to this healthy benefit! The CDPHP Cycle hub in Washington Park can be found along Madison Avenue, near New Scotland Avenue.
Whether you bike for pleasure or transportation, biking is good for your health and the environment. Remember to follow the rules of the road and bring a buddy, if you can. You can link up to group rides and find resources at the Albany Bicycle Coalition , who put together this great map of area trails and connecting routes.

*National Bike Month, established in 1956, is promoted by the League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to giving biking a try.