Do you have any favorite photos of Washington Park in your personal collection or family archive?
The Conservancy is collecting photos for an upcoming publication on the history of Washington Park in celebration of the park’s 150th anniversary in 2021. We’re particularly interested in shots that capture the spirit of an event or an era, of activity in the park. Submissions from the 1940s to 2000s are most welcome, particularly the 1960s to 1980s.
Selected photographs will be credited in captions in the book and contributors thanked in the work’s acknowledgments. We can’t guarantee that we’ll include a submission, but if it fills a gap in an era and is of good quality, we’d love to have the chance to include your favorite photo in the book or on the Conservancy website.

Above: courtesy Dan McEneny
Above right: courtesy Jessica Fisher Neidl

E-mail a scanned copy of your photo or photos to OR take a clear snapshot of the photo with a smartphone and e-mail it to us. Do not send original hard copies.
Include with the photo(s) any identifying information you have, including approximate date, occasion, photo owner, and identities of individuals in the shot, if known (This does not mean that we’ll publish the names of those featured. We’ll settle caption information with you if your photo is selected).
If we are able to use your photograph, we will be in touch with you about securing a high-resolution scan for publication.
Please submit all photos for consideration by June 15.