It’s an understatement to observe that 2020 is not unfolding the way any of us expected, including for the Washington Park Conservancy which is marking its 35th anniversary this year. While we are not moving forward with the ambitious schedule of public programs and events we’d planned, we are continuing our stalwart advocacy efforts and projects on behalf of Washington Park.
Since its founding in 1985, the Washington Park Conservancy has had an ambitious mission. Our goals include:
- To preserve and enhance city-owned Washington Park in Albany, N.Y.;
- To plan for the popular and safe use of the Park;
- To improve the patron experience in the Park;
- To encourage understanding of the roles history and ecological balance play in the well-being of the Park, its neighborhoods and the City of Albany;
- To foster recognition of the Park as an example of Olmstedian landscape design;
- To preserve, restore or recreate historic structures and plantings in the Park;
- To produce and disseminate… brochures, booklets, maps and related informational and promotional material;
- To initiate or assist in the development of projects, plans, research and other activities for the betterment of the Park in cooperation with public agencies, civic and community organizations and other appropriate entities;
- To conduct public and organizational events in the Park or elsewhere for the purpose of raising operating funds, promoting the mission of the Conservancy, and fostering community goodwill.

If you are unfamiliar with our history, now might be a good time to get acquainted with some of the projects and studies that the Washington Park Conservancy has spearheaded over the last thirty five years:
Major Conservancy Reports and Studies (Downloadable PDFs)
- Historic Landscape Report (1989)
- King Fountain and Croquet Lawn (1992)
- Lake Study (2002)
- Lake House Reuse Study (2006)
Highlights Since 2012
(Downloadable PDFs)